Check out the videos of the 2015 Global March for lions
21 March, 2015
Johannesburg CACH team organise a protest at the Lion Park.
About a 1000 supporters were there to express their disgust at the constant breeding of lion cubs at the Lion Park. The Lion Park bused in about 400 people to act as protesters. When asked, those protesters did not know why they were there.
Johannesburg CACH team organise a protest at the Lion Park.
About a 1000 supporters were there to express their disgust at the constant breeding of lion cubs at the Lion Park. The Lion Park bused in about 400 people to act as protesters. When asked, those protesters did not know why they were there.
Global marchers around the world
Christine Jordaan shares these images of protesters around the world. They again protested the canned lion hunting in South Africa. There never was a time for this and it is abundantly clear that there is no place for it in the 21st Century.
Protest demo at Parliament in Cape Town.
Chief of Staff for the IFP, Adv. Ant Mitchell talks to protesters on the steps of of Parliament in Cape Town. The IFP (Inkatha Freedom Party) is an opposition party in SA and has taken a leading role in tabling motions to get canned hunting debated in Parliament.
Watch Ant's speech here...
Watch Ant's speech here...
Prince Buthelezi calls for a ban on canned lion hunting
Prince Buthelezi, Leader of IFP, speaks out against the cruelty in this industry.