I hope this finds you well. Its that time again, for a little update on the adventures of George and Yame.
The time has finally come for George’s trip to the vet. We will be taking him in tomorrow for new radiographs, and an MRI. Yame will be going with to keep him company as he will need to spend a few days there. These procedures will give us a good idea of what is going on with his bones now, and will light the way forward in terms of a treatment plan (to reverse the severe effects of poor diet when he was a young cub). Yame is in perfect health, and the consequences of poor diet that plague George seem to be non-existent in him now. As Im sure you can see from their pictures, Yame is much bigger, and more muscular than George. It continues to be a balancing act with George, and the amount of physical activity we do with him. A little is good to build muscle which can support the bones, etc… but too much and he starts to hurt a little.